Wednesday, January 10, 2007

morning in Moscow

Divi: Everything that can go wrong, does.
me: What's that called?
Divi: In Russia ... "life".
This exchange took place after, on our way to Azbuka Vkusa (aka Produkty, our friendly neighborhood grocery store), we got sprayed by a car wheeling through one of the many mud puddles that fill the giant pot-holes along the sidewalk.

another priceless Divi quote: When I first read The Crucible, I thought the title meant "someone who is able to be crucified."

So yeah, not really much for news. I got up at 9 this morning, and we had a very long class period, during which we read from The Inspector General by Gogol, which we'll be seeing tonight. Then Divi and I went to the grocery store to get lunch. I got two bliny, one with apples (блин с яблоками) and one with some kind of meat - I'm guessing it was pork (блин с мясом). That was good. Then I ALSO had a yogurt and water. I can't wait to be able to eat until I'm full!

I'm thinking today I'm gonna take it easy (I'm tired and sort of sick); I'll probably ride the circle line of the metro (that's supposed to be the prettiest, with the most statuary and mosaics). Maybe tonight I'll upload some more pictures.


Paul Halverson said...

Hey - hope you are feeling better!

I've read that the Moscow subway system is one of the most amazing in the world - I guess Mayakovskaya Station, Ploshchad Revolyutsii and Kropotkinskaya Station are supposed to be particularly nice... Hope you get some great pictures!

Paul Halverson said...

ps. I think the times shown on the posts are pacific time since you set the blog up in San Diego (and you must have changed your computer time zone while you were there?)

Paul Halverson said...

So for more time accuracy: Right now it is 3:52pm in San Diego, 5:52pm in Byron, and 2:52am in Moscow...

Pat M said...

Colin, the word Dormition intrigues me; have read what you wrote, about the Virgin Mary lying down (dead) and Jesus standing over her. Can't find anything about "dormition" in dictionary.

So sorry you aren't feeling the best.
Maybe trying all those unfamiliar foods is hard on your digestion? Am kidding. Getting sprayed by muddy water was no fun for any of you.

Nick and I went to the dermatologist today. He always goes once per year for a check-up; I never had been to one in my life until I met him. Today the doctor
"burned off" what he called barnacles! (Makes me feel like a shipwreck) There were two brown spots, one quite large, one smaller, and he burned them both off, and yes, it did hurt some.
They are supposed to slough off in a week. Not the kind that can turn cancerous, not problems, just kind of a nuisance. Love, from your burned up Grandma Pat

Paul Halverson said...

Here is an interesting site about "Dormition"

Paul Halverson said...

And another link for Dormition...

kdo said...


kdo said...

actually Nolan wrote that...not Karl