Monday, January 15, 2007


not much for news
Today a group of us is just wandering around Moscow.
I had really expensive bliny and grapefruit juice for lunch.
Tonight we're seeing Hamlet at the Moscow Art Theater (МХТ, pronounced mmm-hot).
I've also come to decide that I don't think ANYbody spells it "roubles" or "copecks", but I think I'm going to stick with them anyway. More fun, but I certainly wouldn't recommend using those spellings. People probably would think you were confused and didn't know what the heck you were writing.
That's really about it.


Catherine said...

How was Hamlet? That sounds fun. What is bliny? We woke up to a beautiful snow land here, really nice! Soon you are off to Novgorod. Do you get to see any of the land from the train, or is your ride all at night? I bet some of the countryside is beautiful. love ya mom

Cody said...

Colin, Wow! This is by far your BEST entry yet! It had me on the edge of my seat filled with suspense! How was the play? You should let me know when/if you get your skype account working cause my friend said I could use her account, nimmbe01. Hope you get it working soon. When do you get back to the states?

Paul Halverson said...

I have to agree with Cody! This really tops the lady godiva episode!

I suppose you will have a pretty busy day tomorrow getting packed up and getting in your last-minute sight-seeing - maybe you'll even do your laundry!?!!

I hope you have a great day and a great train ride to Novgorod!

Well - Trooper really stinks so I have to get out of this room...

Love you and Happy Trails,