Thursday, January 4, 2007

Russian Culture

So I think I've figured it out: Kofe Hauz is nice and has WiFi, so I can load pictures from my computer there, but I've also bought unlimited internet access from my hostel (Godzillas Hostel), so I can use their one computer any time as long as it's not already in use. That only cost 100 roubles (Kofe Hauz is 50 roubles per hour).
So anyway, though, I can't load pictures from here.

I slept about 5 hours last night - I think jet-lag finally hit me.
Susan and I bought breakfast and lunch yesterday at Produkti (a grocery store) - so we're having delicious sausages wrapped in some kind of lefse-like "lavash".

Some interesting things I didn't get to mention before:
-When we arrived in Moscow, we were met by a driver with a hand-written sign reading "Mars Robinson - Sainta Olaf".
-At the opera yesterday, most of the applause at the end was done in unison.
-Breakfast AND lunch today for BOTH Susan and me will have cost as much as I spent on a bowl of minestrone for lunch.
-We missed businesslaaaanch by half-an-hour yesterday, so we had to pay supper-prices.

something quirky about Russia:
(according to Susan)It smells like cigs and black coffee.
(according to Teresa) Fireworks at two in the morning are obnoxious.*

*Russians celebrate western Christmas on the 25th, continue to party til New Years, continue to party til the 7th (Orthodox Christmas) and then continue to party til the 13th (Orthodox/Old New Year), so they are loud and apparently shoot off fireworks from our hostel.


Catherine said...

I love the "Mars Robinson - Sainta Olaf" sign! Are they still shooting off the fireworks? I hope you get better sleep tonight (it is morning here, but evening there). That is a huge time difference to adjust to.
What is your hostel like (other than the fireworks)? Is it okay?
What event will you attend tonight?
We are fine here. Annaliese starts community college on Monday. Hey, that means I start too!
She also had a wrestling meet last night and has a meet in Burnsville on Saturday, tomorrow.
It continues to be mild here.
love ya! mom

Catherine said...

PS How much is a rouble?

Paul Halverson said...
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Paul Halverson said...

According to the online exchange rate, 1 dollar = 26.36 roubles.

Pat M said...

Hi there, Colin! Am I having a good time reading all this. Hard for my pea brain to accept that you wrote this from Russia and I'm sitting here in San Diego reading it...right away!
We've had some Santa Anas, meaning strong winds from the EAST and warm temps, and most of all, DRY, DRY conditions, like down to 19%. It is Tues night at 10:15 pm as I write. Love, Grandma Pat