church in Novgorod. It was really beautiful; this picture doesn't really do it justice, but after I took it, our tour guide told us we weren't supposed to take photos in there.
two churches in Novgorod
Novgorod has zillions of old churches. The Church in the foreground is supposed to magically be able to make you have a good marriage if you run around it three times, so all the girls booked around it. Except as soon as they started running, some random stray Doberman started chasing them. It just wanted to play, but it was pretty funny.
Novgorod beach
There's a pretty sweet statue of a guy on a horse if you look closely enough.
Church of Saint Sophia, Novgorod
Moscow subway - we FINALLY did do the circle line. In fact, I got separated from the group and had to finish the line and walk back to the hostel myself.
Red Square at night - You can see Saint Basil's in the background.
another Moscow subway shot
Church of the Archangel, view from the theater within the Kremlin Wall, Moscow
Oh and PS, there apparently weren't any Roma in Moscow - they've all been kicked out. Everyone I saw whom I thought were Roma were actually just dirty old people (бомж).
What is it exactly you are studying in Russia for J term? The plays sound really strange but the pics are really neat. Why didn't you run around the church 3 times???
Oh by the way- happy birthday! What do they do over there to celebrate birthday?
Nice pics! Those churches are pretty cool. Haha, you got yelled at by a tour guide! That first pic is really awesome. How much different is Petersburg from Moscow?
Fun to see the pics, Colin!
The doberman chasing the girls around the church is a hoot!
You will have quite the memories from this trip! What an experience! It must be something for a visiting Russian to ride the NYC subway system....a bit of a culture shock, I am sure. Talk about different worlds!
I'm writing this on Sat, but it will probably be Sun - or close to it - when you read it!
Hope you find a fun way to celebrate in 'Petersburg!
Thanks for the photos!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Colin. I hope you can really celebrate there. We'll have to have some extra when you come home. I'm enjoying your blog entries and the pictures.
grandma mary
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a really wonderful day in Petersburg! We will really miss you!
Can't wait to hear what it is like having your birthday half-way around the globe from home... hope you find some good food.
Both Mom and Anna had trouble trying to post on the blog - but it seems to be working for me.
Love you, Dad
It is officially 130 in the morning here... Just wanted to let you know I love you and hope you have a great birthday in Mother Russia. I have a present for you when you get back...!
Later bUd
Hey Colin good morning good afternoon I am actually writing this on dad's computer but it is me, mom!
Happy Birthday
I love you and am anxious to see you in just 8 days now. I think your life has been more eventful than mine in the past 3 weeks. I am anxious to hear your stories in person.
love ya mom
happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear collllinnnnn,
Happy birthday to you!!!
love your enkidu!
p.s. your photos are gorgeous!
So you've been 20 for most of a day - how does it feel?
I really like your photo of the interior of the basilica in Novgorod - too bad you couldn't have taken more photos! It looks like they must be really amazing. How many were you able to go in?
I also thought the Novgorod kremlin looked very interesting.
Mom and I were talking this morning about maybe doing an icon trip for her sabatical in a couple years... going to Egypt and Russia - maybe stop in Croatia on the way...
It's snowing here again today. Winter has certainly arrived late this year. So we have another 6 inches on top of the 2-3 inches that were left from last Sunday's snowfall.
I can't wait until you're home and we can celebrate your birthday in person!
Love ya, Dad
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