This is a picture from the theater we went to tonight (it was really good! I'll write more about it later). The woman here played Lena in the learning Russian program we watch for Russian language class. I thought it was hilarious. I didn't realize she was a real actress; the skits she was in that I've seen were… um… low quality.
Susan and I have improved in our ability to make breakfast!
Stained glass in the Moscow subway. I still haven't been on the circle line. I'm gonna stop writing about what I will do and just write what I have done, because plans always seem to change. The metro is absolutely beautiful, tho. I would never have thought statuary and stained glass in a subway.
Anna, this reminded me of Prague, so I had to get a picture.
Pirated DVDs are sold on the street. Here you can buy Apocalypto, Happy Feet, The Pursuit of Happiness… and all dubbed into Russian!
a great picture of a dingy area of Moscow. In the corner Becca's face basically says it all.
some random really pretty building along the road; I think this was on the way to the Tretyakov.
All the churches in Moscow look like this. I love the cupolas.
That's about it. I've decided I will get on Skype before I leave Moscow, so if you want to talk to me, I'll probably be on again tomorrow around 11-12 pm my time. Either send me your Skype name and just leave your Skype up, or contact me. My name is halverso.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
I LOVE the photos! I love the one that reminds you of Prague. Yes, it certainly does! What good memories. You never know what you will find on the streets.
the stained glass on the subway looks spectacular.
I am glad you enjoyed the theater experience and can't wait to hear about it.
Right now we are trying to hear you via Skype, which is very exciting but not working too well. I don't have a clue why.
Thanks for the photos! Great to hear from you! love ya mom
Colin, you should try and find me a pirated version of 'Casino Royale'! One of my friends here is in Ecuador and she found a spanish version of it!!! Looks like you're having a blast over in the Motherland! I'm liking the pix you're putting up, keep 'em coming!
how is russia?
good memories huh?
so three weeks of hell=HELL shocked?
I miss you being around so I can BUG you all the time!! :(
well I love you jesus
Was the stained glass in the Novoslobodskaya station?
It was great "talking" to you today - I'll see what I can find out about why I couldn't find your contact name in Skype. At least the iChat sort of worked. It was great to hear your voice. We miss you.
Love, Dad
Thanks for the photos - and it's good to see one of YOU this time as well!
Don't get me wrong - your commentary is great - love your humor!
Photos are just somehow satisfying for us visual folks.
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